Sunday, March 29, 2009

the height of summer

Although it's officially autumn, our Tasmanian garden thinks it's the peak of summer. All of the heat-loving vegetables and later fruits are ready and we've got so much good stuff to eat and preserve.
Capsicums, tomatoes, zucchinis, dill, parsley and cucumbers mean we can have Greek-style stuffed vegetables with tzatziki (and Greek-style grilled lamb chops with Greek oregano grown from seed gleaned from a Greek man).

Sweetcorn means happy children

Eggplants, tomatoes and onions

mean pasta con la Norma. Fry eggplants in olive oil until golden. Add to a sauce made with sauteed onions, garlic and quartered tomatoes (should be chunky) and fold through homemade linguine with a good handful of basil leaves and chopped chiles.

And quinces just look and smell so good

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