Sunday, November 1, 2009

late spring update

The weather finally decided to become spring-like and it looks like all of the rain is now over. The warm weather, plus time, has meant that the hungry patch is over and now there suddenly seems to be lots to eat in the garden again
Here's a bit of a list:

rocket, bok choy, rapa, mizuna, spinach, leeks, radishes and a couple of tantalising strawberries.

The warm weather encouraged us to plant out heat-loving plants like our tomatoes

with which we are trying a slightly modified trellising system this year. Last year we used strings up to a horizontal wire. The strings cut into the thickening stems and may have caused some problems - not sure. This time we're using thin and cheap 6ft bamboo poles inserted into the ground and tied off to the horizontal wire. We have planted all our old favourites (from saved seed) - stupice, costoluto, mamma mia, black krim (a superior version of black russian) a few cherry varieties and a new one we're trying this year called speckled banana.

Our broad (fava) beans will be ready soon and so will the garlic. I think the garlic will be early compared to last year.

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